
Hi. My name is Tiffany, chosen for me before my birth. I was born a diamond and a diamond maker. I know not what all pressures and energies came before to create me in this form, but I can feel them (…maybe it was other diamonds?) It’s like carrying the world on your shoulders, the weight of it all, because, as my name suggests, I must leave diamonds in my wake. … Diamonds are adored by many for their brilliance and their strength, yet diamonds cut thru glass and more, and people often tend to forget or ignore this fact. They adore and value them for the beauty or symbolism they provide, for the painstaking and patient artistry and diligence that goes into their creation…

tiffany carman, drawing momentum, lineamental, diamonds

In their raw form, diamonds-to-be hold great potential; they aren’t really appreciated for what they are, but what they could be. It was left to me to find that diamond in the raw rough stone; I was the diamond maker. Stones have much knowledge, a wisdom of ages of stories and creatures that would certainly seem unbelievable or mystical. As one cuts meticulously into the stone, spending hours upon hours, till the time is no longer measured in anything other than rhythms, one’s own heart slows and beats with that of the stone, and the stone begins to speak. As long as I listened to the stone, I could hear the diamonds calling out to me. How many diamonds does a diamond maker eff up before they get it right?

tiffany carman, drawing momentum, lineamental, diamonds

I love my name for what it has taught me and because it was given in love and hope and joy. Diamonds are rare and precious. Diamonds have the ability to refract the entire spectrum into their parts, spreading the colors out in all directions, a cat’s-eye spray. A diamond always exists somewhere over a rainbow, but then you either need an appointment with a wizard and some really great friends or to fall into a pair of ruby slippers just to find your way home. I don’t need any ruby slippers, and the wizard is on his own wonderful journey, as are my friends. I am a diamond and a diamond maker; I see diamonds in the most ordinary-looking rocks.

tiffany carman, drawing momentum, lineamental

Somewhere, another voice entered. “Don’t mess up or be worthless” was the message I heard. Diamonds have flaws. Does that make the diamond worthless? What if I cut the stone the wrong way? Does that make me worthless as a diamond and a diamond cutter? Close inspection reveals those flaws. So, I chose to turn away from diamonds, and from myself, from the diamond, no matter how it shone within, the credit could never be mine, since god owns my soul.

tiffany carman, drawing momentum, lineamental, diamonds

I went seeking and was given grains of sand. I tucked them neatly under my skin, where as they irritated, I calloused layers, forming pearls. Some may see scars; some see pearls. Pearls and diamonds, moon and stars. My life has been the accumulation of pearls and diamonds. I set my jewels up high, in the shine. I string my pearls, one by one, tied and knotted and held in place; they are the strands that mark my life. When a girl can’t have diamonds, she gladly loves her pearls.

grace observed, tiffany carman, drawing momentum, lineamental, diamonds

“Grace, Observed” (c) 2015 Tiffany Carman All rights reserved. Purchase prints of my original artwork here in my on-line shop!

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